Friday, July 31, 2015

Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Cute Chikorita!

Cyndaquil! I always nicknamed mine Cindy... 
My husband really wanted me to draw Totodile eating something. "Aligators are terrifying things!!"
He's from Florida. *shrug*

So, it's a little hard to believe, but I finished! I finished all of my Pokemon pictures for the GAM Con!

All 8 regions starters, plus two Mega Evolution Pokes... but I will only post these three for now.

A sort of "teaser" for you all until I actually do the Con, and they are all available as prints. ;)

In other news, I've been biking every morning for about 2 weeks now. I thought I was just doing 1 mile-- maybe a mile and a half? I tracked it this morning on my iPhone...

8.67 miles. o__o holy cow

I feel more tired than usual.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Blog Makeover!

Holy blog makeover, Batman!

I figured it was time to fix my sad excuse of a blog design. I think I like this one! Don't you?

Why, you ask, the sudden take of interest to my blog?


My sister and I are going to be sharing an artist table at our local G.A.M. con! We will be selling prints, keychains, Totorro plushies... it's gonna be awesome! Not to mention, if you come, you can finally meet ME! Shake my hand! Throw tomatoes! Whatever you want, just come visit me. Check it out!

And with that, I shall post some sneak peak prints I'll be selling at the con. ;)