Solar Beam |
Hydro Pump |
Flamethrower |
Petal Blizzard |
Eruption |
Aqua Tail |
Leaf Blade |
Muddy Water |
Blaze Kick |
Earthquake |
Steel wing |
Flare Blitz |
Leaf Tornado |
Heat Crash |
Shell Blade |
Spiky Shield |
Water Shuriken |
Mystical Fire |
Well, hello there visitor.
These pictures have taken 59.5 hours to finish in total. @____@ my goodness! Now, on average, that means I only spent about 2-3 hours each, but still!
No wonder I was inactive for a few months!
Anyway, a part of the commission was to make the picture super "epic" and dynamic, showing off their signature move. Now, this was easy for the most part. They practically named Blaze Kick after Blaziken. But some... where more difficult. For instance; Empoleon. I've always been disappointed by the obvious LACK of steel type moves for that guy. especially because there's one that seems so obvious to me!
And don't even get me started on Samurott... *shudder*
All in all though, I have learned TONS with this series. forcing myself to stick to a limited pallet (in fact, forcing myself to color these at all) and adding a background to most of the pictures has stretched me so much. I feel like I've really "leveled up" as an artist after this. I'm very confident in my ability to choose colors and paint decent pictures. I'm no where NEAR where I want to be *coughAva's DemoncoughGlitchedPuppetcough* but I'm glad to have done this to push myself.
That being said, I HIGHLY SUGGEST TO ALL ARTISTS trying to improve themselves to just get over your fear and JUMP INTO COLOR THEORY. whether its watercolor, acrylic, oil, or digital, just pick a medium, pick a comfortable subject to draw, then color it! Again! and Again! AND AGAIN!