Saturday, August 30, 2014

By the way, Fathers Day...

An interesting story is behind this picture... I'm very happy with this; not only because it was a gift to my new father-in-law on his first Fathers Day ever, or the fact it was a technique I'd never done before. It's a story I enjoy sharing due to the face that I proved to myself something I didn't think I could do.

Finish something

Father's Day had been inching closer and closer on my calendar, and everyone kept whispering of a possible gift for Richard. He was new to the family, but dearly loved. He was a quiet man, simple and bubbling over with whit and sarcasm every now and then. I liked him -- reminded me of my own father. We all wanted to do something to help him feel welcomed.

It was decided I would paint him a picture. But, naturally, I procrastinated. So it wasn't until 3 days before Fathers Day I was reminded about the project, and in a panic I ran to grab my canvas, brushes and paints, wondering how I would ever pull this off.

In a recent CD I heard by Chris Brady (at least I think it was him!), he explained that when making goals, it's important to do it right. You, of course, need to write them down first. Second, set a deadline down for it. But to balance these two steps, you need to set them just a little unrealistically. Make it just barely out of reach, so you say to yourself "Jeez.... I don't know if I can do this!" But that's just it. You don't know if you can, or can't do it. If you put enough urgency on your mind about the goal, it'll push you out of your comfort zone enough to perform. And perform very well!

That's just what I did.

I finished this picture in 2 days. I couldn't believe it. I procrastinate everything -- the few projects I've ever finished are mostly from my highs chool and college careers. Procrastination had been something that defined my life for so long. It was odd to feel the satisfaction of a personal project completed... But it's a feeling I am excited to feel again!

Procrastination doesn't have to own you, as long as you make the project/goal slightly out of reach. Push yourself to grab it, and you'll be pleasantly pleased!

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